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Mountains Made of Glass

Vydavateľ: Bloom Books (Bloom Books)
Séria:Fairy Tale Retelling (1.diel)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 07.09.2024 03:02

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Obsah knihy: Mountains Made of Glass

All Gesela's life, her home village of Elk has been cursed. And it isn't a single curse?it is one after another, each to be broken by a villager, each with devastating consequences. When Elk's well goes dry, it is Gesela's turn to save her town by killing the toad that lives at the bottom. Except…the toad is not a toad at all. He is an Elven prince under a curse of his own, and upon his death, his brothers come for Gesela, seeking retribution.

As punishment, the princes banish Gesela to live with their seventh brother, the one they call the beast. Gesela expects to be the prisoner of a hideous monster, but the beast turns out to be exquisitely beautiful, and rather than lock her in a cell, he offers Gesela a deal. If she can guess his true name in seven days, she can go free.

Gesela agrees, but there is a hidden catch?she must speak his name with love in order to free him, too.

But can either of them learn to love in time?

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Mountains Made of Glass

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