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A Game of Fate

Vydavateľ: Sourcebooks (Sourcebooks)
Séria:Hades Saga (1.diel)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 01.03.2025 03:01

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Obsah knihy: A Game of Fate

Discover the enthralling fantasy world of gods and mortals in bestselling author Scarlett St. Clair's reimagined New Greece. Readers are "hopelessly addicted" to the story of Hades and Persephone told from Hades's point of view. "Take her, and I will destroy this world. Take her, and I will destroy you. Take her, and I will end us all."

Hades, God of the Underworld, is known for his inflexible rule, luxurious night clubs, and impossible bargains. Used to control, he is not prepared to discover the Fates have chosen his future wife and Queen-Persephone, Goddess of Spring. Despite her attraction to the god, Persephone, an ambitious journalism student, is determined to expose Hades for his cruel and ruthless ways.Hades finds himself faced with the impossible-proving his future bride wrong. Regardless of his efforts, there are forces who wish to keep the two apart and Hades comes to realize he will do anything for his forbidden love, even defy Fate.

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