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A Fragile Enchantment

Vydavateľ: Hachette Children´s Group (Hachette Children´s Group)
Edícia:Cudzojazyčná literatúra
Počet strán:373
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 23.01.2025 03:02

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 11,86 €
Vaša predajná cena : 13,95 €
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Obsah knihy: A Fragile Enchantment

An unforgettable YA regency-inspired romantic fantasy about a seamstress who is sent to dress the prince for his royal wedding - and the scandal she weaves in her wake. All Niamh has longed for is to be remembered: to create something that will last far longer than she will. For her, that means becoming a renowned dressmaker, using the magic in her blood that lets her stitch emotions and memories into fabric - the same magic that will eventually kill her.When Niamh is commissioned to design the prince's wardrobe for a royal wedding in Avaland, she knows she finally has her chance to leave her legacy. But Avaland is far from the fairytale that she imagined. While nobles and the elite attend extravagant balls and candlelit garden parties, unrest brews amid the working class. Niamh finds herself drawn to Kit, the prince whom she must dress for his wedding, despite his cold, prickly demeanour. And soon, a gossip column reports on their undeniable chemistry between them, threatening scandal. Niamh must decide if reputation should come above all else, whether her magic curse will allow her to experience love, and what cost she is willing to pay for a future she never thought possible...Threaded with intrigue and unforgettable characters, A Fragile Enchantment is a sweeping romance for the ages.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: A Fragile Enchantment

Objednávací kód NA680843

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