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Dark Gathering 8

Vydavateľ: Viz Media (Viz Media)
Séria:Dark Gathering (8.diel)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 03.03.2025 04:10

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Obsah knihy: Dark Gathering 8

An unwilling magnet for the supernatural and a ghost-hunting little girl join forces to capture Japan's most terrifying and dangerous spirits.After a dangerous encounter with a malevolent spirit, Keitaro Gentoga wants nothing to do with the supernatural. Unfortunately for this reluctant ghost magnet, he's stuck helping Yayoi Hozuki-a strange young girl who's intent on capturing Japan's most terrifying ghosts and ghouls. Otogiri, the Soul-Stealing Courtesan, has taken center stage in the battle against a cannibalistic child spirit. Will her assortment of deadly curses be enough to overcome his raw power, or will she become nothing more than food to sate his unending hunger? Worse, even if she does win, will the weakened Keitaro, Yayoi, and Eiko be able to reseal her before she turns her curses on them?

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Názov: Dark Gathering 8

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