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Notes from an Island (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Notes from an Island (EN)

Set against the rugged backdrop of Klovharun, a barren skerry in the Gulf of Finland, ´Notes from an Island´ invites you into the intimate world of Tove Jansson and her partner, graphic artist Tuulikki Pietilä, known affectionately as "Tooti." Aided by Brunstroem, an unconventional fisherman, Jansson races against time and the elements to build a cabin that would serve as their sanctuary for thirty summers. A declaration of the beauty of solitude, ´Notes from an Island´ is a touching homage to a mature love nurtured by the raw beauty of shifting seascapes.© 2024 Tove Jansson, Moomin Characters™ | Published in the English language by arrangement with Rights & Brands

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Notes from an Island (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK118052

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