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Our Fault

Vydavateľ: Sourcebooks (Sourcebooks)
Séria:Culpables (3.diel)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 09.03.2025 03:03

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Obsah knihy: Our Fault

*A BookTok and Wattpad Viral Sensation*Fast-paced and sizzling with a forbidden enemies-to-lovers romance, Our Fault is the final book in Mercedes Ron's Culpable trilogy. This suspenseful YA series untangles the threads of love, trauma, and secrets, perfect for fans of Ugly Love and After.Nick and Noah's rocky relationship is struggling through its worst moment, and it seems that nothing can go back to the way it was before. They will have to surmount a new and frightening set of challenges to finally understand if they are really made for each other or if being apart is their only chance to be happy.Love is not always enough, and forgiveness sometimes doesn't fix what's been broken. But can you forget such a strong connection? How can memories tattooed on the heart be erased? Will they be able to leave the past behind and start over?

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Názov: Our Fault

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