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The Future of Geography

Vydavateľ: Elliott & Thompson Limited (Elliott & Thompson Limited)
Počet strán:318
Poradie vydania:1.
Zvyčajne posielame do 8-10 pracovných dní 
Informácie o dostupnosti

Posledná zmena: 26.03.2025 03:06

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 13,97 €
Vaša predajná cena : 16,44 €
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Obsah knihy: The Future of Geography



Space: the biggest geopolitical story of the coming century - new from the multi-million-copy international bestselling author of Prisoners of Geography and The Power of Geography

Spy satellites orbiting the Moon. Space metals worth billions. Humans on Mars within our lifetimes.
This isn't science fiction. It's astropolitics.

We're entering a new space race - and it could revolutionise life on Earth.

Space: the new frontier, a wild and lawless place. It is already central to communication, economics, military strategy and international relations on Earth. Now, it is the latest arena for human exploration, exploitation - and, possibly, conquest. We're heading up and out, and we're taking our power struggles with us. China, the USA and Russia are leading the way.

From physical territory and resources to satellites, weaponry and strategic choke points, geopolitics is as important in the skies above us as it is down below. If you've ever wondered if humans are going back to the Moon, who will benefit from exploration or what space wars might look like, the answers are here.

With all the insight and wit that have made Tim Marshall the UK's most popular writer on geopolitics, this gripping book shows how we got here and where we're going, covering great-power rivalry; technology; commerce; combat in space; and what it means for all of us down here on Earth. This is essential reading on power, politics and the future of humanity.

Praise for The Future of Geography:

'A voyage of galactic discovery' The Mail on Sunday

'[An] engaging exploration of power politics in space' Irish Independent

'A superb survey of planetary politics' The Sunday Times

'Deeply thought-provoking' BBC Sky at Night

'Marshall is an engaging writer, good at explaining the science as well as the politics, and with an eye for a telling fact' Lawrence Freedman, The New Statesman

'Written with insight and great wit, this is an essential take on power, politics and the future of humanity from the UK's most popular writer on geopolitics.' The Daily Telegraph

'In the latest instalment of his popular books on the meaning of geography, Marshall looks to the stars and the new frontier where astropolitics will be the new geopolitics' Financial Times

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