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Juniper´s Christmas

Vydavateľ: HarperCollins (Harper Collins Publishers)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 02.03.2025 03:02

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Obsah knihy: Juniper´s Christmas

A brand-new Christmas classic adventure about the magic of Santa Claus, set in North London and the North Pole - from the bestselling author of Artemis Fowl


It's been ten years since Santa Claus performed his Christmas duties, but when Juniper Lane discovers the mysterious Niko, who lives in her local London park surrounded by Christmas trees and reindeer that can fly, she steps into a Christmas story like no other.
When Juniper's mum goes missing and the park comes under threat from an ambitious park keeper, Juniper enlists Niko, who is surely Santa Claus, to help.
As the countdown to Christmas begins, Juniper must find her mother, restore the festive spirit, bring to life the true magic of the season and learn to ride her very own reindeer.

A brand-new festive classic, Juniper's Christmas is a rip-roaring magical adventure filled with heart and humour - where one girl's love might just be strong enough to save her family and Father Christmas himself.

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Názov: Juniper´s Christmas

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