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My Dress-up Darling 5

Vydavateľ: Square Enix (Square Enix)
Séria:My Dress-up Darling (5.diel)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 07.09.2024 03:01

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Obsah knihy: My Dress-up Darling 5

A loner boy and a flashy girl find common ground via cosplay in this sweet and spicy romcom!

Wakana has spent every summer vacation on his own...until now! With a friend like Marin at his side, he's about to get a taste of everything summer has to offer and more--the pool, fireworks, extra homework...and of course, cosplay!

Now that she's crossed off bronzed fighter Veronica-tya from her to-do list, Marin has set her sights on a succubus from one of her favorite manga series! But when she picks out a questionable location for the photo shoot, Wakana's the one about to be left red in the face and hot under the collar!

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Názov: My Dress-up Darling 5

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