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The Whalebone Theatre

Vydavateľ: Penguin Books (Penguin Books Ltd.)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 24.11.2024 04:15

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Obsah knihy: The Whalebone Theatre

'THE BOOK OF THE SUMMER' Sunday Times'A tour de force' Sarah Winman, author of Still LifeThis is the story of an old English manor house by the sea, with crumbling chimneys, draping ivy and a library full of dusty hardbacks. It's the story of the three children who grow up there, and the adventures they create for themselves while the grown-ups entertain endless party guests.This is the story of a whale that washes up on a beach, whose bones are claimed by a twelve-year-old girl with big ambitions and an even bigger imagination. An unwanted orphan who grows into an unmarriageable young woman, fiercely determined to do things differently.But as the children grow to adulthood, another story has been unfolding in the wings. And when the war finally takes centre stage, they find themselves cast, unrehearsed, into roles they never expected to play.They raised themselves on stories. Now it's time for them to write their own...'One of those big chunky stories that swallows you whole' The Times'Beautifully compulsive ... The Whalebone Theatre will feel like a much-loved book even if you're reading it for the first time' Red Magazine'Pure heaven, from first word to last' Sunday Times

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Názov: The Whalebone Theatre

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