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Empire's Edge (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Empire's Edge (EN)

Loyalty to your people. Loyalty to Rome. Only one can remain...Centurion Faustus Valerianus has already proven his bravery and skill, marching alongside Julius Agricola for six gruelling years to conquer the north of Britain. But that was just the beginning...With Agricola back in Rome, Faustus is given a new mission: to journey to Hibernia with exiled Irish prince Tuathal Techtmar and help him reclaim his rightful throne.But victory is a fleeting thing, and back in Caledonia, fears grow that the land won so convincingly may soon slip away as Rome’s control and influence are at greater risk than ever before.When events cascade towards a devastating battle, Faustus must finally come to terms with his heritage, resolve his complicated love for a British woman, and lay his father’s shadow, still haunting him from the afterworld, to rest, once and for all.Will Faustus emerge victorious once again?An aching, poignant tale of love, family and warfare in the age of Rome, perfect for fans of Ben Kane, Alex Gough, and Andrew Frediani.

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Názov: Empire's Edge (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK110459

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