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Smash All the Windows (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Smash All the Windows (EN)

It has taken conviction to right the wrongs. It will take courage to learn how to live again.A coroner has ruled that the victims of the St Botolph and Old Billingsgate disaster are not to blame for their own deaths. For their families, the undoing of a miscarriage of justice should be a cause for rejoicing. For more than thirteen years, the search for truth has eaten up everything: marriages, families, health, careers and finances.Finally, now that lies have been unravelled and hypocrisies exposed, they can all get back to their lives. Well, if only it were that simple.Davis delivers a highly charged, topical piece of fiction that is a testament to the human condition and the healing power of art

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Názov: Smash All the Windows (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK107314

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