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Rik rozpusty Klausa Otto Bacha

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Jazyk: ukrajinský
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Posledná zmena: 16.02.2025 03:00

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Obsah knihy: Rik rozpusty Klausa Otto Bacha

What can an online acquaintance with a young and beautiful foreigner turn into? Into the love of a lifetime off course! At least that's what 43-year-old Klaus Otto Bach, a resident of the German town of Kiel, thinks. Klaus leaves everything and goes to a foreign land with the sole purpose - to find the woman of his dreams, with whom the connection was accidentally broken. Unfortunately for him, this land turned out to be a large and obscure, generous and unbridled Ukraine. Yes, Klaus will be called 'the last romantic'. Yes, he will be ridiculed by not only casual acquaintances, but also by fate itself, throwing him into new adventures and trials. But our 'modern Don Quixote' will not retreat.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Rik rozpusty Klausa Otto Bacha

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