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How We Fall Apart

Vydavateľ: Bloomsbury Publishing (Bloomsbury Publishing PLC)
Počet strán:298
Poradie vydania:1.
Zvyčajne posielame do 8-10 pracovných dní 
Informácie o dostupnosti

Posledná zmena: 24.11.2024 04:14

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 12,10 €
Vaša predajná cena : 14,24 €
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Obsah knihy: How We Fall Apart

Crazy Rich Asians meets One of Us is Lying in this electrifying YA thriller where students at an elite prep school are forced to confront their secrets when their ex-best friend turns up dead.

Nancy Luo is shocked when her former best friend, Jamie Ruan, top-ranked junior at Sinclair Prep, goes missing, and then is found dead. Nancy is even more shocked when word starts to spread that she and her friends - Krystal, Akil, and Alexander - are the prime suspects, thanks to "the Proctor," someone anonymously incriminating them via the school's social media app.

They all used to be Jamie's closest friends, and she knew each of their deepest, darkest secrets. Now, somehow the Proctor knows them, too. The four must uncover the true killer before The Proctor exposes more than they can bear and costs them more than they can afford, like Nancy's full scholarship. Soon, Nancy suspects that her friends may be keeping secrets from her, too.

Katie Zhao's YA debut is an edge-of-your-seat drama set in the pressure-cooker world of academics and image at Sinclair Prep, where the past threatens the future these teens have carefully crafted for themselves. How We Fall Apart is the irresistible, addicting, Asian-American recast of Gossip Girl that we've all been waiting for.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: How We Fall Apart

Objednávací kód NA662002

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