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One Last Secret

Vydavateľ: Mira Books (EUROMEDIA GROUP, a.s.)
Počet strán:376
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 26.11.2024 03:04

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 20,99 €
Vaša predajná cena : 24,69 €
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Obsah knihy: One Last Secret

"I’ll drop anything for a new Adele Parks: she nails it ever time"—Lucy Foley

Everyone has secrets, don’t they?

One last client
A week at a beautiful chateau in the south of France—it should be a straightforward final job for Dora. She’s a smart, stunning and discreet escort, and Daniel has paid for her services before. This time, all she has to do is to convince the assembled guests that she is his girlfriend. Dora is used to playing roles and being whatever men want her to be. It’s all about putting on a front.

One last chance
It will be a last, luxurious look at how the other half lives before Dora turns her back on the escort world and all its dangers. She has found someone she loves and trusts. With him, she can escape the life she’s trapped in. But when Dora arrives at the chateau, it quickly becomes obvious that nothing is what it seems…

One last secret
Dora finds herself face-to-face with a man she has never forgotten, the one man who really knows her. And as old secrets surface, it becomes terrifyingly apparent that one last secret could cost Dora her life…

From the Sunday Times number one bestseller Adele Parks comes a blisteringly provocative novel about power, sex, money and revenge.

"Absolutely gripping, this is revenge lit at its best"—Lisa Jewell

Detaily o knihe

Názov: One Last Secret

Objednávací kód NA661637

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