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200 Quotes from the Holy Bible, Old & New Testament (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: 200 Quotes from the Holy Bible, Old & New Testament (EN)

The Scripture is an endless source of inspiration. Quotes from the Bible give a glimpse of our ancestor's lives and habits, and they are food for thought in our modern lives as they provide answers to our innermost questions. They are also precious occasions to reflect deeper on what it means to have faith, be Christian, or simply human. We have selected for you 200 quotes from the Old and New Testament: words of wisdom, law, poetry, questions and answers, that will accompany you in faith and give you the references you need in daily life. Enjoy these sacred pearls of wisdom taken from every book in the Holy Bible, let them inspire you and put them to use in your personal journey.--

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Názov: 200 Quotes from the Holy Bible, Old & New Testament (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK102145

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