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Last Train to Helsingør (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Last Train to Helsingør (EN)

Copenhagen is a mysterious city where strange and sinister things often happen.Menacing and at times darkly humorous there are echoes of Roald Dahl and Daphne du Maurier in these stories, many of which have been specially commissioned for BBC Radio 4.From the commuter who bitterly regrets falling asleep on a late-night train in Last Train to Helsingør, to the mushroom hunter prepared to kill to guard her secret in The Chanterelles of Østvig.Here, the land of "hygge" becomes one of twilight and shadows, as canny antique dealers and property sharks get their comeuppance at the hands of old ladies in Conning Mrs Vinterberg, and ghosts go off-script in The Wailing Girl.Deliciously dark and chilling, this is Nordic Noir at its finest.-Heidi Amsinck, a writer and journalist born in Copenhagen, spent many years covering Britain for the Danish press, including a spell as London Correspondent for the broadsheet daily Jyllands-Posten. She has written numerous short stories for radio, including the three-story sets Danish Noir, Copenhagen Confidential and Copenhagen Curios, all produced by Sweet Talk for BBC Radio 4. A graduate of the MA in Creative Writing at Birkbeck, University of London, Heidi lives in London. She was previously shortlisted for the VS Pritchett Memorial Prize. Last Train to Helsingør is her first published collection of stories. Her crime novel My Name is Jensen, set in Copenhagen, will be published in August 2021.

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