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The Trail to Love (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 82) (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Trail to Love (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 82) (EN)

The beautiful Elissa Valentine has no idea what lies in store for her after the death of her beloved Papa, who was a talented artist. She travels to Yorkshire to start a new life at Fellbrook Towers as a companion to her fearsome grandmother, Lady Hartwell. She soon discovers that the luxurious lifestyle at The Towers is under threat from the wild gambling of her handsome and impetuous cousin,Falcon.When Elissa saves the day by predicting the winning horse in a big race, Falcon showers her with gifts and proposes marriage. But she cannot accept his offer as the struggling artist Richard Stanfieldhas stolen her heart and she cannot forget him. Will Richard‘s love for Elissa survive Lady Hartwell‘s attempts to deter him and the violent threats of her cousin? And will Elissa stand firm in her love for Richard, even when she finds him in the arms of the glamorous Latin American beauty, Mercedes deRosario? Find out all in this the dazzling and intriguing romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.

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Názov: The Trail to Love (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 82) (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK80505

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