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Managerial Integrity

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Formát:Elektronická kniha
Počet strán:152
Poradie vydania:1.
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Obsah knihy: Managerial Integrity

The first edition of the book was written before the collapse of Lehman Brothers’ bank. It is all the more remarkable, then, that is it full of practical examples and guidelines. How can integrity be maintained in these turbulent times, when managers are under pressure to produce results and must at the same time take different interests into consideration? How to create a culture of integrity within a company?

This is a guidebook for managers in how to lead ethically. The book is full of interesting tips, recommendations and real-life examples that will help you deal with delicate problems and dilemmas, as well as help you work with your conscience and not come into conflict with your personality.

Find out why managers now demand that their staff have a head. I was fascinated by the book. To me, it is a truly absorbing read about business and HR, one of the best I have ever read. Theory and practice are combined well, it is easy to read and hard to put down. This book has my utmost respect and praise. Dušan Gábor, Director of Human Resources at a leading Business Service Company

Managerial Integrity is a thought-provoking book on how to manage successfully in today's complex work environment. Each chapter contains valuable insights and I particularly identified with the lessons on trust and trustworthiness - essential elements that are too often missing in corporate life. David Lambert, author of Smarter Selling: How to Grow Sales by Building Trusted Relationships

Dr. Hronik has masterfully integrated and synthesized scientific research, stories full of wisdom, and his vast experience to create a guidebook for managers in how to lead ethically and create a culture of integrity within their organization. Dr. Paul Marciano, Author: “Carrots and Sticks Don’t Work.”

The business world today places considerable demands on performance, results, and profit. Managers must resist the pressures that come while finding a way to succeed. Maintaining our integrity is challenging and when we lose our integrity, we lose our trustworthiness. This outstanding and unique book is a practical tool to help the reader maintain moral integrity while producing excellent results! John G. Miller, author of QBQ! The Question Behind the Question and Outstanding! 47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional

No book can make a manager. This one, however, will move you far forward in your quest to become a true leader. It will help you realise the importance of acting in accord with yourself, with others and with your company’s long-term benefits. If you long for your staff to say, “It was an honour to work for him/her”, then František Hroník’s book Managerial Integrity is the one for you. Radovan Musil, Senior Director, Software Engineering, Red Hat Czech

As has been the case with František Hroník many times before, I was astonished. I was astonished by the view from above with which the issue of integrity can be understood. How contemporary integrity is. The way in which integrity is connected to other “managerial terms”, such as performance, motivation, corporate culture. None of the chapters were simply dry theoretical views. Instead they were captivating reading, illustrated by up-to-date, “in” examples from the world today, from contemporary life, reading in which the author brings together that which would seem incompatible in a very compact whole. Ondřej Slabý, HR Director at Coca-Cola HBC

I would recommend the book to all those who believe that work is not just a duty, that trust accelerates relations and that values are the foundation of a company. David Vrba, CEE, 3M The text is higly motivational, interspersed with illustrating stories, compiled from a number of well-known authors and books from different cultures and circumstances. The book is especially useful for top managers who wish to motivate their employees with well-selected statements requiring not only their brains but also emotions, heart and empathy. Prof. Milan Zelený

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Managerial Integrity

Objednávací kód NADBK62863

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