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Cabin Fever - An Erotic Series (EN)

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Vaša predajná cena : 10,99 €
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Cabin Fever - An Erotic Series (EN)

Something is in the air; something more than thunder and lightning. Sally and her husband, Otis, have decided to spend the summer in their small cabin by The North Sea. Her career as a ballerina is over, and Sally is ready to have children. She spends her days enjoying the sun, thinking of her future and trying to make her husband be as interested in her, as he is in his congregation. But, when she is injured on the beach, she meets the doctor, James Black, who does more than just fix her leg. Sally is in for the summer of her life, in the first story of Cabin Fever.This compilation includes:Cabin Fever 1: Written in StoneCabin Fever 2: Forbidden FruitCabin Fever 3: A Change of HeartCabin Fever 4: Painting a PictureCabin Fever 5: Complicated CautionCabin Fever 6: Freyja's Lair

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Názov: Cabin Fever - An Erotic Series (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK120260

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