My Little Pony - The New Generation - Make Your Mark and Other Stories (EN)
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Jazyk: | anglický | |
Formát: | E-AUDIOKNIHA | |
Vydanie: | 2024/09 | |
Poradie vydania: | 1. | |
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Vaša predajná cena : | 5,99 € | |
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: My Little Pony - The New Generation - Make Your Mark and Other Stories (EN)
Join the new generation of My Little Pony in four exciting adventures!Help Izzy make the perfect Easter eggs for her best friends, make your mark and celebrate the awesome Maretime Bay Day celebration, and join Zipp and Sunny on a quest to find the Hope Lantern. Spend time with all your favourite ponies in this dazzling storybook collection!There is always excitement and adventures to be had, so come along everypony, it’s time to have some fun! My Little Pony - The New Generation It’s time for new adventures, new friends and new stories with a whole new generation of ponies!Meet Sunny Starscout, Hitch Trailblazer, Izzy Moonbow, Zipp Storm and Pipp Petals among many other fantastic ponies. Delve into the wondrous land of Equestria and be a part of the magic as our new mane heroes and heroines shape the future of the My Little Pony Universe!© Hasbro. All rights reserved.Meet the new generation of ponies!Set many years after the ‘Friendship is Magic’ series, this new incarnation of the My Little Pony universe is brimming with opportunities for new and exciting adventures in the lands of Equestria! So come along and meet the new Mane 5: Sunny Starscout, Hitch Trailblazer, Izzy Moonbow, Zipp Storm and Pipp Petals among many more! Let’s go join the fun, everypony!
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Názov: My Little Pony - The New Generation - Make Your Mark and Other Stories (EN)
Objednávací kód NADBK119978
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