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PJ Masks - Ready for Action! (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: PJ Masks - Ready for Action! (EN)

Put on your most colourful superhero costume and join the PJ Masks on yet another adventure as they head out into the night to battle Night Ninja and Luna Girl!Night Ninja has stolen all sports equipment from the park. Now his Ninjalinos can train and become super strong! Meanwhile, Luna Girl creates a giant moon ball and stores all the toys she has stolen inside. Will the PJ Masks succeed in preventing the villains from carrying out their sinister plans?An action-packed and thrilling adventure, ´PJ Masks - Ready for action!´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2022 Hasbro

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Názov: PJ Masks - Ready for Action! (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK119969

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