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The Consequences of Love and Sex

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Consequences of Love and Sex

Since Coco Pinchard’s messy divorce, she hasn't just picked up the pieces, she's now a best-selling author and basking in a newly-wed glow with her gorgeous second husband, Adam. She feels stronger and wiser, and surely, the second time around, she'll have learnt from her mistakes?
But things aren't going quite to plan... Adam has lost his job, Coco's grown-up son, Rosencrantz seems to have derailed his life in spectacular fashion, and ex-mother-in-law Ethel keeps letting herself into the house thanks to an endless supply of spare keys. When literary agent Angie takes on Coco's arch rival, the formidable Regina Battenberg, it looks as though things can't get any worse. And then Coco discovers she's pregnant; at 44.
So much has changed since she was pregnant in her twenties, can she really do it all again? The sleepless nights, the stretch marks on top of stretch marks, and the sheer responsibility of bringing a new life into the world?
The third stand-alone book in Robert Bryndza's bestselling Coco Pinchard series is a hilarious diary with Coco's trademark wit and honesty, tracing the raging hormones and extraordinary twists that take her to motherhood for the second time.
Readers totally love Coco Pinchard, the Consequences of Love and Sex:
"I laughed a whole lot. Cried a bit. Was devastated at one point and gasped in disbelief, my thoughts zooming to surely it's a mistake! When an audiobook can get me that emotionally involved in the characters, it's a total win."– Goodreads reader review"I can't recommend this audiobook highly enough. Robert Bryndza has done it again. Funny, moving, with wonderful characters (I LOVE Ethel), my only complaint is that it ended. I truly enjoyed this book." – Goodreads reader review"A fantastic audiobook. If I could I would give this 10 stars. I love Robert's humour and his satirical take on the publishing world but hidden amongst all the laugh-out-loud moments." – Goodreads reader review"I really can't remember the last time I laughed out loud several times while listening to an audiobook. Hilarious!"– Goodreads reader review"This story is a sweet, hilarious, love story. It is full of great friends, and crazy in-laws. I loved it"– Goodreads reader review"I laughed out loud to the point of spitting out my drink from some of the one- liners and true to life things that happen and I can relate too."– Goodreads reader review

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Názov: The Consequences of Love and Sex

Objednávací kód NADBK119824

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