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A Frightfully Fatal Affair (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: A Frightfully Fatal Affair (EN)

When dinner ladies and amateur sleuths Margery and Clementine Butcher-Baker embark on an evening walk after another busy half-term at Summerview Secondary School, they discover the body of missing maths teacher Mr Weaver. Marked with a mysterious symbol, something suspicious is clearly afoot.As the nights grow darker and the mysterious symbols continue to appear around Dewstow, the Dinner Lady Detectives are pulled deeper into the case. Can they solve the mystery as deceit and chaos reign, or will their killer pull off another deadly trick? A fun and charming cosy mystery, perfect for fans of J.M Hall and Fiona Leitch."Hendy is, by far, one of the very best cosy writers we have - and A Frightfully Fatal Affair sees her on sparkling form"– Jonathan Whitelaw, author of ´The Bingo Hall Detectives

Detaily o knihe

Názov: A Frightfully Fatal Affair (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK119722

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