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More Than Two - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: More Than Two - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

‘More Than Two’ as the title suggests is a collection of erotic short stories that explore the joys of open relationships, ethical non-monogamy, threesomes and group fun in the bedroom. This collection from Cupido includes:'The Game', 'The Other Man', 'Come for Coffee', 'The Massive Surprise', 'Mojito', 'Follow the Rules', 'As Usual', 'Fantasy or...', 'The Architect, Me and the Bartender', 'Naughty Fantasy', 'She Will Be Here Soon', 'The Anniversary', 'A Wonderful Chef', 'Heat', 'Two and Two are Four', 'From Sara Sandmar’s Diary', 'Photo Session', 'The Dream', 'Elisabeth’s Day', 'Deep Inside', 'The Mask', 'Three', 'You, Me and My Friend', 'The Hitchhikers', 'A Rainy Day', 'The Bathing Spot', 'Monica’s Mouth', 'A Massive Friend', 'Line’s Gang Bang' and 'Blind Man’s Bluff'.CUPIDO – the magazine for intimate, horny pleasure – has been publishing erotic fiction based on readers’ everyday fantasies and sexual experiences since 1984.

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Názov: More Than Two - A Collection of Erotic Short Stories from Cupido (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK119582

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