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Close to the Edge (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Close to the Edge (EN)

Two detectives under fire. One missing student. No answers.When gunfire erupts outside Southampton Crown Court, DS Gabe Martin and DI Juliet Stern are caught in the crossfire, narrowly escaping the assailant who disappears without a trace.Injured but unyielding, Gabe takes on the case of missing art student Henry Garside. But as she probes deeper, the lines between a simple vanishing and a complex conspiracy blur. Pressured by Juliet to track down their assailant, Gabe's dedication teeters on the edge of obsession, threatening to pull her over a perilous line...The second instalment in an unforgettable detective series that will have you on the edge of your seat, ´Close to the Edge´ is perfect for fans of Cara Hunter and Susie Steiner.An avid reader, Anna Britton began writing around ten years ago and hasn’t stopped since. Anna works as a freelance editor and loves helping out other authors.©2024 Anna Britton (P)2024 Saga Egmont

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Názov: Close to the Edge (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK119453

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