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Forgetting to Forget (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Forgetting to Forget (EN)

Forgetting is not done intentionally. You can wish to forget, but doing so only makes you remember even more. Paradoxically, the less you care about neither remembering or forgetting is the only way, you will manage to forget anything. Even worse, you might easily forget whatever you deeply want to remember. But whatever unpleasant thought or experience you might wish to erase from your memory will only vanish, once you're free of this pressing want for forgetting. That is the topic of today's discussion by Sophus Helle and his acrobatic monkey mind, which touches upon Immanuel Kant, The Little Prince, and whatever those two might have to do with Queen Elizabeth I and Barbra Streisand. Host: Sophus Helle. Written by: Sophus Helle. Sound editing: Simone Nystrup-Larsen. Editor: Andreas Lindinger SaxildMonkey Mind IV.

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Názov: Forgetting to Forget (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK119371

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