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A Theory of Dog Ears (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: A Theory of Dog Ears (EN)

Is it protecting your books from all signs of use, keeping them clean and in perfect condition? In this episode of Monkey Mind, Sophus Helle argues that loving one's books can also be expressed by bringing them along everywhere, leaving notes in the margins and dogears to revisit special paragraphs. This is a way of documenting a book's life and creating its history outside of the fiction written on the pages. Using the alignment chart from Dungeons and Dragons, Sophus categorizes the various types of, as he puts it, "violence" readers subject their books to, touching upon Napoleon's unusual method of reading books. He compares the treatment of the type of art we see in museums with the way we treat books, and the question arises; are books more similar to original paintings or to the poster copies of those paintings? Host: Sophus Helle. Written by: Sophus Helle. Sound editing: Simone Nystrup-Larsen. Editor: Andreas Lindinger SaxildMonkey Mind III.

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Názov: A Theory of Dog Ears (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK119370

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