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Death Before Dawn: An Inspector Cecilie Mars Thriller (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Death Before Dawn: An Inspector Cecilie Mars Thriller (EN)

A new commander takes the helm of the homicide unit at the Copenhagen police. The controversial and reckless Cecilie Mars has unexpectedly and, with the blessing of Minister of Justice Beatrice Klerke, taken over the chief's office.But Mars soon realizes that Klerke's favour is a trap, embroiling her in an old, unsolved murder - one that now casts Mars as the prime suspect. As she grapples with betrayal in the police ranks, a crazed killer haunts the city, hunting single women in his sinister game...The high-paced finale in the Cecilie Mars trilogy, ´Death Before Dawn´ is the standalone continuation to the critically acclaimed bestsellers ´Darkness Calls´ and ´Beast in the Night´.“An intricate police procedural, taut with intrigue that explodes into terrifying violence, and a gritty depiction of a far-from-quaint Copenhagen characterized by cynical legal bureaucrats, grim concrete high-rises, and menacing street gangs . . . ” — Kirkus Reviews"Krefeld in top form ... simply terrific"— Politiken"Fully orchestrated Copenhagen symphony"— Jyllands-Posten***A Kirkus Reviews Best Indie Book of 2023***

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Death Before Dawn: An Inspector Cecilie Mars Thriller (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK119291

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