The Will of the Many
Vydavateľ: | Simon & Schuster (Simon & Schuster UK) | |
Séria: | Hierarchy (1.diel) | |
Formát: | Kniha | |
Vydanie: | 2025/02 | |
Poradie vydania: | 1. | |
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Posledná zmena: 23.11.2024 03:05 |
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Obsah knihy: The Will of the Many
At the elite Catenan Academy, a young fugitive uncovers layered mysteries and world-changing secrets in this "brilliant and gut-churning masterpiece" (Library Journal, starred review) by the internationally bestselling author of The Licanius Trilogy, James Islington. The Catenan Republic-the Hierarchy-may rule the world now, but they do not know everything. I tell them my name is Vis Telimus. I tell them I was orphaned after a tragic accident three years ago, and that good fortune alone has led to my acceptance into their most prestigious school. I tell them that once I graduate, I will gladly join the rest of civilized society in allowing my strength, my drive, and my focus-what they call Will-to be leeched away and added to the power of those above me, as millions already do. As all must eventually do. I tell them that I belong, and they believe me. But the truth is that I have been sent to the Academy to find answers. To solve a murder. To search for an ancient weapon. To uncover secrets that may tear the Republic apart. And that I will never, ever cede my Will to the empire that executed my family. To survive though, I will still have to rise through the Academy's ranks. I will have to smile, and make friends, and pretend to be one of them, and win. Because if I cannot, then those who want to control me, who know my real name, will no longer have any use for me. And if the Hierarchy finds out who I truly am, they will kill me.
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