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Summer at Sea Glass Cove (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Summer at Sea Glass Cove (EN)

Escape to the wondrous Sea Glass Cove - where love surfaces amidst sunken treasures!Marine archaeologist Lauren Sunshine is always ready to explore the country’s underwater heritage, so when a shipwreck is found off the Dorset coast, she is thrilled to lead the excavation team. Philippa ‘Phil’ Silver has devoted her life to the Museum by the Sea. But funding is tight, and Phil hopes the wreck discovery could bring more visitors. However, the museum is too small to house its treasures. Thankfully, new friend Lauren seems as determined as she is to save the museum. But, when Phil’s brother Ollie catches Lauren’s eye, she begins to wonder if she has more than one reason to be interested in life at Sea Glass Cove…A heartwarming and uplifting read for fans of Jenny Colgan and Kiley Dunbar.© 2024 Jenny Kane (P)2024 Saga EgmontJenny Kane is the bestselling author of many romantic fiction series. Her first romance novel, ´Another Cup of Coffee´, became a Kindle bestseller. Kane also writes historical mysteries under the name of Jennifer Ash.

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Názov: Summer at Sea Glass Cove (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK118563

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