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The Weekend Trip (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Weekend Trip (EN)

At Erin's Irish beach retreat, five friends reunite after a decade. Amid popping champagne and old tunes, the reunion is flourishing. But tension rises with the arrival of unfamiliar faces - was inviting partners a mistake?Becky's new girlfriend is annoying, and Beth's hubby keeps making uncomfortable compliments. The cherry on top? The flirty plane stranger is Tara's plus-one. What started as a weekend about reconnection now teeters on the brink of a spectacular fallout... A hilarious and uplifting page-turner about the power (and pitfalls) of friendship and romance. Perfect for fans of rom-coms by Sophie Kinsella, Marian Keyes and Mhairi McFarlane.What readers are saying about ´The Weekend Trip´:"Screams Beach Read… Wonderful. Full of friendship and growth. A definite must read.’ -Lindsay’s Library Blog"One of my favorite reads in a while!… I loved the entire story!" - Goodreads reviewer.© 2023 Joanna Bolouri (P)2024 Saga Egmont

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Názov: The Weekend Trip (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK118524

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