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Murder on Lake Garda

Vydavateľ: Cornerstone (Cornerstone)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 16.09.2024 03:08

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Obsah knihy: Murder on Lake Garda

One happy couple.Two divided families.A wedding party to die for.On the private island of Castello Fiore - surrounded by the glittering waters of Lake Garda - the illustrious Heywood family gathers for their son Laurence's wedding to Italian influencer Eva Bianchi.But as the ceremony begins, a blood-curdling scream brings the proceedings to a devastating halt.With the wedding guests trapped as they await the police, old secrets come to light and family rivalries threaten to bubble over.Everyone is desperate to know . . .Who is the killer? And can they be found before they strike again?________________________________________PRAISE FOR TOM HINDLE'A new heir to Agatha Christie . . . classic crime for the 21st century' Ragnar Jonasson'This is riveting stuff, breathing new life into the traditional locked-room mystery. Hindle puts a 21st century spin on a Golden Age tale that's both captivating and cunning' Sun'Tricksy, expertly plotted and kept me guessing till the end' Adam Simcox'Twist after gut-punching twist' M. W. Craven'Dazzling' Crime Monthly

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Názov: Murder on Lake Garda

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