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House of Ash and Shadow

Vydavateľ: Sourcebooks (Sourcebooks)
Séria:Gilded City (1.diel)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 07.01.2025 04:17

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Obsah knihy: House of Ash and Shadow

From USA Today bestselling author Leia Stone, House of Ash and Shadow is the first book in the addictive Gilded City series, about a girl who must battle curses, dark powers, and her own heart. This world of dazzling fae magic and romantic pining is perfect for fans of Wednesday and Holly Black.Seventeen-year-old Fallon Bane was born with a devastating curse: a single touch from another person will cause her excruciating pain. Thus, she has accepted that she will die without ever being kissed, without even hugging her own father, though it breaks her heart every day.But when her beloved father falls ill, she breaks into the magical Gilded City to find a healer fae that can save him. When handsome healer Ariyon Madden agrees to help, everything she knows about herself and her curse changes. Because during her father's healing, Ariyon reaches out and touches her bare skin. She waits for the agony... but it never comes. For the first time in her life, she imagines a new future for herself. However, that fantasy is quickly destroyed, because not only does Ariyon flee from her in disgust when he learns of her curse; he also reveals her existence to powerful fae who want to hurt her.Fallon is then swept away to a magical academy, where she learns the terrifying truth about her family history and her dark magic. Her life and the future of fae everywhere hang in the balance, and all the while Fallon can't help but wonder if she will get to touch Ariyon Madden one more time before she dies...This enchanting story of family, fae, and yearning is perfect for readers who love:Romantic fantasy books for teensUnputdownable & bingeworthy novelsMagical boarding schoolsGrumpy sunshine romanceHolly Black and Sarah J. Maas

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Názov: House of Ash and Shadow

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