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I Hope This Finds You Well

Vydavateľ: HarperCollins (Harper Collins Publishers)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 16.09.2024 03:08

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Obsah knihy: I Hope This Finds You Well

Would you want to know what your colleagues say behind your back?

'Darkly funny with a brilliant premise' Emma Gannon

For readers who loved The Office US and Really Good, Actually comes the awkward heroine you're about to fall in love with

Jolene certainly doesn't.
She's riddled with anxiety, depressed, and hates her coworkers. The less she knows about them, the better.
So when a catastrophic IT f*ck up grants her access to all of their emails and private messages, she's initially horrified. The last thing she wants is to be privy to their sad discussions about dying desk plants and marital troubles.
That's until with job cuts looming, she realises the power this new-found knowledge gives her.
But as she digs deeper and deeper into the private lives of her colleagues, Jolene uncovers a lot more than she bargained for... And the walls she'd so carefully built start crumbling down.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: I Hope This Finds You Well

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