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Vydavateľ: Simon & Schuster (Simon & Schuster UK)
Séria:Dirty Air (2.diel)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 31.01.2025 03:03

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Obsah knihy: Collided

A steamy and swoonworthy standalone novel in the iconic Formula 1 romance series, from the bestselling author of The Fine Print and Love Redesigned. Sophie: Liam is Formula 1's golden boy - though he's nothing but a fraud. Charming, devious, seductive ... and someone who promises to fulfill all my naughty bucket list items. I force him behind the safe lines of the friend zone, but instead of accepting our friendship, he strikes a deal: one season, one list, one dirty secret. Liam: Sophie is my greatest fantasy brought to life - and a major threat to my contract renewal. She's a part of the rival team and someone I should resist at all costs. Everyone is against our friendship my boss, her dad... me. Yet, I'm captivated by her and the naughty list she created. Screw platonic, I want catastrophic.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Collided

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