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Live, Laugh, Lesbian (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Live, Laugh, Lesbian (EN)

Navigating lesbian life? From tackling Lesbian Bed Death and strap-ons to handling workplace microaggressions and discovering your second family, Helen Scott, your lipstick femme in chief, is here to lead the way to Gay Town.Dive into this part-memoir, part-guide, and embrace the the highs and lows of navigating lesbian life in the modern world. Candid, wise, bold and hilarious - it's time to reclaim the L in LGBTQ+. A lesbian self-help guide with chapters on coming out, enjoying a healthy sex life, navigating your sexuality in the workplace and more, "Live, Laugh, Lesbian" is the ideal read for anyone with questions about the queer experience.Helen Scott is a presenter, broadcaster, content creator and ambassador for the lesbian community. She’s hosted variously on BBC Radio, ITV and Virgin and writes a regular column for Gay London Life.© 2023 Helen Scott (P)2024 Saga Egmont

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Live, Laugh, Lesbian (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK118275

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