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Mortal Green (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Mortal Green (EN)

When an author seeking solitude in Leaf Cottage vanishes after a village stroll in Eyam, her worrying husband desperately enlists the help of the Connection Agency and a hunt for the missing woman begins.Soon DI Carl Heaton is on the case and a trail of bodies starts emerging one by one. Meanwhile, another detective grapples with a wrenching missing person case...With many twists and turns, this riveting final instalment in The Connection Trilogy is perfect for fans of ´Slow Horses´ by Mick Herron and ´The Crossing Places´ by Elly Griffiths."I always anticipate getting my hands on the latest Anita Waller thriller."- Avonna Loves Genres"Brilliant... Had me hooked from the very first page. With plenty of twists and turns... perfect."- Goodreads reviewerBorn in Sheffield, Anita Waller is an author of psychological thrillers and the creator of the Kat and Mouse trilogy, commissioned in 2018. The trilogy led to a spin-off series, the Connection Trilogy, featuring titles such as ´Blood Red,´ ´Code Blue,´ and ´Mortal Green.´

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Mortal Green (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK118256

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