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Code Blue (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Code Blue (EN)

When an intruder ends John and Caroline Coates hopes and dreams, John turns to the Connection Agency seeking justice for what happened five years ago. In the past, Tessa's pursuit of the truth had been abruptly halted by the cold case division. Reunited with Luke and assisted by DI Eileen Haughton, an old colleague from Tessa's police years, they delve deep into the sinister world of the unseen enemy. But as the trio inches closer, they unearth revelations that are darker than they anticipated. Will the truth offer the Coateses closure, or will it plunge them further into a nightmare?The second instalment in The Connection Trilogy, this captivating mystery thriller is perfect for fans of "Slow Horses" by Mick Herron and "The Crossing Places" by Elly Griffiths.Born in Sheffield, Anita Waller is an author of psychological thrillers and the creator of the Kat and Mouse trilogy, commissioned in 2018. The trilogy led to a spin-off series, the Connection Trilogy, featuring titles such as "Blood Red," "Code Blue," and "Mortal Green."

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Code Blue (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK117896

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