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Secrets of Clearwater Castle (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Secrets of Clearwater Castle (EN)

Family secrets, lost loves, and one woman’s fresh start...When heartbroken Lowri Morgan, a young Welsh widow, discovers a secret inheritance after finding a mysterious letter among her late husband's belongings, she and her daughter's world is about to shift. Now the owner of Clearwater Castle, she's determined to make the best of it, despite the derelict state of the castle and the overwhelming responsibilities. With the help of ruggedly handsome but prickly stonemason Huw, can they bring life back to the village and solve the mystery of the hidden inheritance? And will Lowri find the courage to give love another chance?Perfect for fans of Susanne O’Leary, Liz Eeles, and Tilly Tennant. ‘Oooooohhhhhh… I literally loved this book!… heart-warming, uplifting, feel good.’- Curled Up With a Good Book.´Absolutely adored… Such a heart-warming and feel-good book… I cannot recommend it highly enough.’- Goodreads Reviewer© 2023 Emma Davies (P)2024 Saga Egmont

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Secrets of Clearwater Castle (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK117082

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