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The Montford Maniac (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Montford Maniac (EN)

When Lady Violet Thorn's unbearable Aunt Igitha unexpectedly arrives at her doorstep and disrupts her peaceful existence, it sets off unsettling events eerily reminiscent of the infamous Montford Maniac’s reign.Violet must unravel the connection between her unwelcome guest and the brutal incidents – from savage beasts at her doorstep to horrifying public executions. Is Aunt Igitha orchestrating this nightmare? Or has history repeated itself with the return of the Montford Maniac? As Lady Violet confronts these horrors, she realises that there might be an even darker force at play here...A heart-stopping amalgam of mystery and menace, this Victorian mystery is perfect for fans of Anthony Horowitz, M. C. Beaton, and Oscar De Muriel.©2024 M.R.C. Kasasian (P)2024 Saga Egmont

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Montford Maniac (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK116687

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