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That Summer Feeling

Vydavateľ: Penguin Books (Penguin Books Ltd.)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 07.09.2024 03:02

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Obsah knihy: That Summer Feeling

Fall in love with this perfect summer read that will sweep you away . . .'Shimmering with sun-soaked magic' Ashley Herring Blake, author of DELILAH GREEN DOESN'T CARE__________When Garland Moore's husband gifts her divorce papers on Valentine's Day, it feels like she'll never find love again. So when some friends invite her to their camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains for the summer, she jumps at the chance to escape.Garland can't believe it when, at Camp, she runs into Mason - a gorgeous man she met briefly years ago. But when she's given a bedroom with his sister Stevie, it's the beautiful outdoorswoman - not her brother - who unexpectedly makes her swoon.The more time she spends with Stevie, the more it seems that love might be coming back into Garland's life in ways she'd never have predicted.Summer camp doesn't last forever. But Garland's second chance just might . . .

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Názov: That Summer Feeling

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