Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout
Vydavateľ: | Penguin Books (Penguin Books Ltd.) | |
Formát: | Kniha | |
Vydanie: | 2024/03 | |
Poradie vydania: | 1. | |
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Posledná zmena: 02.03.2025 03:02 |
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Obsah knihy: Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout
'Brilliant and timely' - Oliver Burkeman, author of Four Thousand WeeksFrom the New York Times bestselling author of Digital Minimalism and one of the world's top productivity experts, a groundbreaking philosophy for creating great work at a sustainable pace.Hustle culture. Burnout. Quiet quitting. Today we're either sacrificing ourselves on the altar of success or we're rejecting the idea of ambition entirely. But it doesn't have to be all or nothing. There is a way to create meaningful work as part of a balanced life, and it's called 'slow productivity'.Coined by Cal Newport, the bestselling author of Deep Work and Digital Minimalism, slow productivity is a revolutionary philosophy based on three simple principles:1. Do fewer things.2. Work at a natural pace.3. Obsess over quality.Examining the stories and habits of ancient and modern scientists, philosophers, artists and scholars who worked in this way, Newport reveals just how transformative the slow productivity approach can be to producing a meaningful body of work.From managing your energy according to the season, to identifying which projects to pursue and which to set aside, to building a schedule that yields maximum output with minimum stress, this timely and essential book will revolutionise how you work, helping you to accomplish great things at a more humane pace.
Detaily o knihe
Názov: Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout
Objednávací kód -
Zobraziť podrobnú špecifikáciuHodnotenie čitateľov
Knihu ešte nikto nekomentoval, budete prvý.
Pridajte svoj komentár
Výber žánrov
Beletria pre dospelých
Cestovanie, mapy
Česká literatúra
Deti do 10 rokov
Deti nad 10 rokov
Fond na podporu umenia
Jazyky, vzdelanie
Literatúra faktu
Odborná literatúra
Populárne náučná pre dospelých
- Erotika, sex
- Ezoterika, duchovné náuky
- Fauna, chovateľstvo
- Flora, záhrada
- Hobby - muži
- Hobby - ženy
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- Krížovky, hádanky, hry
- Kultúra, umenie
- Lexikóny,encyklopédie
- Literatúra faktu
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- Právo, sociológia
- Šport & hry
- Varenie, nápoje, diéty
- Veda a technika
- Záhady, tajomno
- Zdravý spôsob života
- Životná pomoc, psychológia
- Životné prostredie, príroda
Slovenská literatúra
Darčekové predmety a ostatné
- Angličtina (tituly v Anglickom jazyku)
- Darčekové predmety
- Diáre
- Ezoterické predmety
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- Hry spoločenské
- Hry vzdelávacie, náučné
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- Puzzle
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- Rôzny tovar
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- Výtvarné potreby
- Záložky
- Zdravie, starostlivosť o telo