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Blood Red (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Blood Red (EN)

The Connection Investigation Agency is under new management, with partners Tessa, Luke, and Beth at the helm. As they reopen the office, a chilling discovery is made - a body hidden in the outhouse, bones lying undiscovered for twenty-five years.While Luke faces his first solo case, Tessa, a former DI, must prove herself, unravelling the mystery behind threatening notes sent to two women who later become murder victims. As the agency digs deeper into the past and a link between the two cases is revealed, will this help or hinder?The first instalment in The Connection Trilogy, this riveting mystery thriller is perfect for fans of "Slow Horses" by Mick Herron and "The Crossing Places" by Elly Griffiths."Once again Anita Waller brings the reader a masterfully written, first class mystery thriller with a jaw dropping twist that will leave you speechless."- Once Upon a Time Book Review "A must-read for crime thriller readers."- Bookstormer© 2021 Anita Waller (P)2024 Saga Egmont

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Názov: Blood Red (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK116517

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