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Cultures of Growth

Vydavateľ: Simon & Schuster (Simon & Schuster UK)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 30.12.2024 04:04

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Obsah knihy: Cultures of Growth

In her multi-million-copy bestseller Mindset Carol Dweck coined the terms 'fixed' and 'growth' mindset, transforming our view of individual success. Award-winning social psychologist Mary Murphy builds on Dweck's work in Cultures of Growth to present a groundbreaking argument: that mindset is not isolated to an individual. Instead, we can all influence each other to create a culture of growth mindset. This means creating an environment that people want to be in, which allows them to achieve their potential and top results. Based on over a decade of original research, with actionable advice and exercises, and with compelling examples from Murphy's work with Fortune 500 companies, startups and schools, Cultures of Growth provides the playbook for how to achieve teamwork and growth in an organisation. Discover how a culture of growth helped make outdoor retailer Patagonia a leader in its field; how Satya Nadella transformed Microsoft with a singular focus on growth mindset; and how winemakers Robin McBride and Andrea McBride John are leading with their mindset to disrupt and diversify an entire industry.In a world where success seems reserved for a chosen few, Cultures of Growth unveils a radically different approach to creating organisations that inspire learning, growth, and success at all levels.

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Názov: Cultures of Growth

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