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Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection

Vydavateľ: Cornerstone (Cornerstone)
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Posledná zmena: 11.03.2025 03:06

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Obsah knihy: Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection

From the global bestselling author of The Power of Habit'This is not just a riveting read about how to understand others better. It's also a revealing look at how to be understood.' -ADAM GRANT #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and Hidden Potential___________________________________________________________Who and what are supercommunicators? They're the people who can steer a conversation to a successful conclusion. They are able to talk about difficult topics without giving offence. They know how to make others feel at ease and share what they think. They're brilliant faciliators and decision-guiders. How do they do it?In this groundbreaking new book, Charles Duhigg unravels the secrets of the supercommunicators to reveal the art - and the science - of successful communication. He unpicks the different types of everyday conversation and pinpoints why some go smoothly while others swiftly fall apart. He reveals the conversational questions and gambits that bring people together. And he shows how even the most tricky of encounters can be turned around. In the process, he shows why a CIA operative was able to win over a reluctant spy, how a member of a jury got his fellow jurors to view an open-and-shut case differently, and what a doctor found they needed to do to engage with a vaccine sceptic.Above all, he reveals the techniques we can all master to successfully connect with others, however tricky the circumstances. Packed with fascinating case studies and drawing on cutting-edge research, this book will change the way you think about what you say, and how you say it._______________________________________________________________'Charles Duhigg goes through a mountain of research - and some riveting stories - and unearths practical tactics to show that anyone can become a more effective listener, speaker, and even social media poster.' - DAVID EPSTEIN, bestselling author of Range

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