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How to Win At Chess: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Beyond

Vydavateľ: Penguin Books (Penguin Books Ltd.)
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Posledná zmena: 20.03.2025 04:06

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Obsah knihy: How to Win At Chess: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Beyond

Learn chess from International Master and YouTube's top chess teacher Levy Rozman (aka GothamChess) in this refreshing and fun guide for beginner and intermediate playersHow to Win at Chess teaches you everything you need to know about the game, including all the important moves and strategies to start off strong and keep you thinking several steps ahead.Full of Levy Rozman's signature charm and humour that have made him beloved by millions of fans, the first half of this unique guide introduces rising players (0-800 Elo rating) to the four key areas to consider when playing chess-openings, endings, tactics, and strategy-and the second half builds upon these core skills for more experienced players (800-1300 Elo rating). Brimming with practical and easy-to-follow tips for improving your game, How to Win at Chess includes over 500 instructional gameplay illustrations to help you better visualize the board, as well as chapter-specific QR codes for exclusive bonus content on Chessly, Rozman's teaching platform.Whether you want to become a recreational chess player or are training to be a Grandmaster, How to Win at Chess is the perfect interactive introduction to the world of chess.

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Názov: How to Win At Chess: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Beyond

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