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Starling House

Vydavateľ: PanMacmillan (PanMacmillan)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 07.09.2024 03:01

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Obsah knihy: Starling House

A Reese Witherspoon Book Club Pick'Alix E. Harrow is an exceptional, undeniable talent' - Olivie Blake, author of The Atlas SixStep into Starling House - if you dare . . . Alix E. Harrow reimagines Beauty and the Beast in this gorgeously modern Gothic fantasy, perfect for fans of V.E. Schwab and Naomi Novik.Nobody in Eden remembers when Starling House was built. But the town agrees it's best to let this ill-omened mansion - and its last lonely heir - go to hell. Stories of the house's bad luck, like good china, have been passed down the generations.Opal knows better than to mess with haunted houses, or brooding men. But when an opportunity to work there arises, the money might get her brother out of Eden. Starling House is uncanny and full of secrets - just like Arthur, its heir. It also feels strangely, dangerously, like something she's never had: a home. Yet Opal isn't the only one interested in the horrors and the wonders that lie buried beneath it.Sinister forces converge on Eden - and Opal realizes that if she wants a home, she'll have to fight for it. Even if it involves digging up her family's ugly past to achieve a better future. She'll have to go down, deep down beneath Starling House, to claw her way back to the light . . .This is a romantic and spellbinding Gothic fairytale from Hugo, Nebula and Locus Award-shortlisted Alix E. Harrow.'Starling House is Alix E. Harrow's greatest work yet' - Ava Reid, author of Juniper and Thorn

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