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Project Icarus (EN)

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Vaša predajná cena: 16,99 €
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Project Icarus (EN)

An old enemy, a new threat, and a secret that could tear the world apart.Hostage negotiator Ethan Munroe is called urgently to a developing crime scene. A serial killer is holding a young girl hostage, and, inexplicably, demands his attendance. Events quickly spiral out of control, and the security of Ethan's life is stripped away, as he is thrown headlong into a perilous world of deception, espionage and danger, lurking deep within the shadows of political power.Ethan will discover things about himself he could never have suspected, come face-to-face with a terrifying foe, and uncover an unthinkable truth that could not only shatter his own future but that of the world...The enigma that is Project Icarus.A totally gripping conspiracy thriller with a twist you will never see coming, perfect for fans of Lee Child, Scott Mariani, and Adam Hamdy.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Project Icarus (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK112655

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