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The Gamekeeper (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Gamekeeper (EN)

Through the changing seasons, amidst a sprawling ducal country estate, ex-steelworker George Purse's role as a gamekeeper goes beyond mere employment. With determination, he safeguards the birds, nurturing them with care, even as they become targets for the wealthy elite.As the Glorious Twelfth approaches, George must orchestrate flawless hunts for the Duke and his esteemed guests, ensuring their satisfaction while fending off the persistent poachers who threaten the delicate balance of the land.A masterpiece of nature writing as well as a radical statement on work and class, "The Gamekeeper" stands as a haunting classic of twentieth-century fiction.-Barry Hines (1939-2016), born into a mining family in South Yorkshire, had a diverse career from coal mining to teaching before becoming a renowned writer. His most famous work, "A Kestrel for a Knave," has never been out of print in the UK and was brought to life by Ken Loach in the film adaptation "Kes".

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Názov: The Gamekeeper (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK112158

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